
The TAS Summer Stack has everything you need to run a perfect summer cycle. It is specifically tailored towards an aggresive fat burning phases followed by a lean bulk and muscle hardening phase. This creates a highly desirable low body fat and hard muscular look.

You can choose between the Beginner, Advanced or Veteran cycle. Scroll down to see details on what each variation contains.

If you would like to buy a stack but make slight modifications or receive expired gear for a further discount please email us; [email protected]


These are integral items that will help you maximise the potential of your cycle. They are highly recommended but optional.

Arimidex may be used by bodybuilders to block estrogen.
Aromasin for muscle growth and to help prevent gynecomastia.
Proviron is used by bodybuilders and athletes to enhance ability and improve muscle mass.
Tamoxifen is made to counteract estrogen’s negative effects on your bod

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The TAS Summer Stack is split into 3 variations.

  1. Beginner [$369]
  2. Advanced [$555]
  3. Veteran [$900]
We recommend using the Beginner variation if you have completed 2 or less cycles. Use the Advanced variation if you have completed 3 or more cycles and do not have any underlying health conditions. The veteran cycle is only recommended if you have been cycling for more than 5 years.


  • 2x OPUS Sustanon
  • 2x OPUS Anavar 50mg
  • 1x OPUS Clenbuterol


  1. 2x OPUS RIP Blend
  2. 2x OPUS Masteron E
  3. 3x OPUS Sustanon
  4. 2x OPUS Clenbuterol
  5. 1x T3

VETERAN [$990]

  • 3x OPUS TEST 400
  • 3x OPUS RIP Blend
  • 3x DYNAMIC Primobolan
  • 2x [ANY OPUS ORAL]
  • 1x Fat Burner Drops [Clenbuterol, Yohimbine, T3]

If you are looking for other cycles to run check out our article: 3 Basic Cycles.

Additional information


Beginner [$369], Advanced [$555], Veteran [$990]


Spend $700 and get 30% off - Use the code "BIG" at checkout.