$120,00 $85,00

Don’t take chances with your cholesterol! This supplement is essential with many steroid cycles!

Lipid Stabil™ is a comprehensive and targeted cholesterol support formula. It contains a full array of natural ingredients that help maintain healthy total cholesterol, HDL (good) cholesterol, LDL (bad) cholesterol, and triglyceride levels, already in the normal range. This clinical formula is also high in antioxidants. With a large body of clinical research backing its individual ingredients, Lipid Stabil is the most complete daily supplement available for supporting cholesterol and heart-health!



Lipid Stabil is a cholesterol and cardiovascular health support supplement. It was specifically designed to be a foundation supplement for steroid users, and is especially useful during oncycle periods. The formula specifically focuses on supporting four separate areas of cardiovascular health: 1) reducing LDL (low-density lipoprotein) “bad” cholesterol; 2) increasing beneficial HDL (high-density lipoprotein) cholesterol; 3) reducing serum triglycerides; and 4) reducing oxidative stress and arterial plaque formation. Antioxidant supplementation is an important and often overlooked part of managing cardiovascular health during anabolic/androgenic steroid use, as AAS are known to increase homocysteine levels and oxidative stress. Although no supplement can completely eliminate the cardiovascular risks of AAS abuse, a supplement such as Lipid Stabil (or one with a similar ingredient profile) is highly recommended, as it may help reduce the lasting negative health impact of these medications.

Lipid Stabil contains a comprehensive blend of nearly one dozen natural ingredients. Each component in known to play an important role in cardiovascular health, and many have significant clinical support demonstrating beneficial effects on key health markers. For example, garlic powder is one of the backbone ingredients, and has been shown in studies to increase HDL cholesterol, reduce LDL cholesterol, and improve the antioxidant response. Green tea extract (standardized for EGCG and high polyphenol content) is another backbone ingredient, and like garlic, is also shown to improve cholesterol and reduce oxidative stress/LDL oxidation. Several other clinically studied ingredients known to improve cholesterol levels, serum triglycerides, and/or systemic antioxidant capacity round out the Lipid Stabil formula including resveratrol, phytosterols, policosanol, selenium, and inositol hexanicotinate (no-flush niacin).


Lipid Stabil History

Lipid Stabil was developed in 2008 by Molecular Nutrition (U.S.). The focus was specifically on designing a supplement that can help support cardiovascular health in anabolic/androgenic steroid users. The product can be found through international distribution, although it may possibly be considered a drug product in some regions with strict controls on herbal supplement products.

How is Lipid Stabil Supplied

Each serving of Lipid Stabil is supplied in 3 capsules, and contains a blend of green tea extract (750 mg), garlic powder (600 mg), inositol hexanicotinate (400 mg), polygonum extract (750 mg), garlic powder (600 mg), inositol hexanicotinate (400 mg), polygonum cuspidatum standardized for resveratrol (200 mg), pantothenic acid (100 mg), phytosterol complex (100 mg), policosanol (10 mg), and selenium (200 mcg).

Lipid Stabil Side Effects

Lipid Stabil is a natural dietary supplement and is not expected to have notable side effects.

Lipid Stabil Administration

For general cholesterol and lipid support or as an adjunct to anabolic/androgenic steroid use, Lipid Stabil is generally taken at a dosage of 3 capsules per day. Note that a natural product such as Lipid Stabil may help reduce cardiovascular toxicity, but cannot be relied upon to completely eliminate potential cardiovascular damage from the abuse of anabolic/androgenic steroid drugs. Care should always be taken to monitor all aspects of health when taking AAS substances.


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