$860,00 $695,00

The First Timer’s stack is set up for someone who wants to run the perfect first steroid cycle and maximise their gains. It comes with everything you will possibly need to run your cycle from start to finish including your Testosterone, Anavar, Estrogen Blocker, PCT products and an injection kit which will last for 20 injections.

To see the full guidelines and recommended dosage, diet and workout when on a cycle please read our blog post; The In Depth Guide: Your First Steroid Cycle.

These are integral items that will help you maximise the potential of your cycle. They are highly recommended but optional.

Arimidex may be used by bodybuilders to block estrogen.
Aromasin for muscle growth and to help prevent gynecomastia.
Proviron is used by bodybuilders and athletes to enhance ability and improve muscle mass.
Tamoxifen is made to counteract estrogen’s negative effects on your bod


2x OPUS Sustanon

2x OPUS Anavar 50 

2x Proviron 

1x Arimidex


1x Clomid

1x Tamoxifen 

This stack also comes with a 20 Injections Kit including Syringes, Needles, Alcohol Wipes which will be sent in a separate package.

The full price of this stack if everything was bought separately is $900+ but you can save $205+ by buying this pre-made stack and getting everything for only $695.

This provides you with all the gear you need for your first cycle and you won’t have to stock up on anything once you’ve completed this purchase.

Testosterone is not only an extremely effective steroid for building muscle, but it’s also one of the best steroids on the market when it comes to side effects. Generally you won’t notice overly harsh side effects on testosterone (assuming your dose is low to moderate), whereas on other steroids you can feel like your body is completely shutting down.

Taking Anavar alongside Testosterone boost Fat Loss and allows you to add on more hard, lean muscle further emphasising your gains.

Proviron serves its function as a mild Testosterone booster but also keeps your libido up, you can use 25mg (1 tablet) everyday or buy 2 extra boxes to increase your dose to 50mg.

Arimidex is there as a safety net in case you begin to feel any negative side effects from high estrogen levels

Clomid and Tamoxifen is everything you need to run a safe and healthy PCT cycle in order to recover from the cycle, hold onto all your new gains and kickstart your natural testosterone production system again.




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