Injecting – Don’t be stupid!

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Ok, you’re not stupid, but sometimes people do some stupid things.

All injectable steroids are to be injected intramuscularly. This means in the muscle, NOT the veins. You could die if it goes directly in the vein. Always use an sterile alcohol swab to clean the site and the top of your vial (if using a vial) before injecting.

Here are 5 basic tips you need to know about injecting steroids

1. Use a 1.5″ needle if possible. DO NOT use an insulin needle or anything under 1.2″. If the injection is not deep enough it will sit in the subcutaneous area below the skin and not be properly absorbed. This is one of the main causes of abscesses along with improper sterility.

2. Always use a sharp needle and, if possible, draw from the vial with one needle tip and then replace it with another to inject. You tend to dull the tip when going through silicon, or touching the bottom of a glass vial. It can hurts to pierce the skin and muscle when you try to use a dull needle.

3. When you draw from a vial, make sure that you are replacing the liquid you take out with a larger amount of air. So if you are drawing 2ml of Deca, you will want to make sure your syringe has 2.5cc of air in it.

When you insert the needle push the air in, and it makes it much easier to draw out the liquid. You will be dealing with a vacuum if you do not do this, and you will be sitting there for a half an hour waiting for your syringe to fill up.

4. Remove all major air bubbles. Dont worry about the tiny ones, you are injecting intramuscularly, not intravascularly. There are always little ones that you cant quite get.

5. Always aspirate when you have inserted the full needle. This means pull up on the plunger to see if you have hit a blood vessel, vein, or artery. If you see red in the syringe pull out, put on a new tip, and re-stab yourself in another spot.

Where to Inject?

Gluteus Medius – Ass

In the upper/outer quadrant of your glutes. This area does not have many nerves or blood vessels.
You do have to watch for the sciatic nerve though. The sciatic nerve is actually a cluster of nerves that run from the lower back in the buttock area down the back of the leg. You will know if you have hit this if you fly through the roof! Temporary paralysis will occur usually but no need to fret, in a couple of hours you should be good as new.

The Blue area below is generally viewed as the sweet spot for your glute injections but the Red area is also a favourite amongst many people.

Vastus Lateralis – Quads

A good way to figure this on out is to touch your middle finger to the outer side of your kneecap and stretch your thumb up as high as you can on the outside of your thigh. This is probably pretty close to where you need to inject. DO NOT inject in the inner thigh as there is many more nerves and vessels.


Deltoids are one of the less common injection sites for steroids. If you alternate between both glutes, and both thighs that should be able sustain you. If you need to inject in the deltoids make sure you use the fattest part of the shoulder belly. If you do not have large deltoids do not inject here.

Site Injections

Some people like to inject into the biceps, triceps and smaller muscle groups because they think it is going to make the local muscles grow faster. This is completely untrue, the only growth you will get is a temporary inflammation that may swell slightly, until the depot is dispersed. There is no physical way for the local muscles to grow by site injecting.

The use of an oil, like synthol, to increase muscle size in a certain area is possible. Synthol is an fatty acid, a synthetic posing oil. This product works by becoming encapsulated between the bundles of muscle fibers in lumps called  bolusa. Approximately 30% of the synthol will be broken down and metabolized like normal fat. The remaining
70% will be slowly broken down over the course of the next 3-5 years.


Side effects are always a possibility when using steroids. Honestly, you will probably not have a problem unless you are prone to the problem in the first place or abuse the dosages and time of use on the steroids. Most informed and educated bodybuilders can use steroids for many, many years with no adverse side effects except getting bigger and stronger.

To learn about how to counter the side effects of Steroids read our PCT article or get in touch with us if you have any questions.



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