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There is a lot of confusion surrounding how to use HCG while on a steroid cycle and the most effective way to do so. This guide has been written to give you an in-depth understanding of what HCG is used for and how to administer it during a cycle.

What is HCG?

First, some background on HCG and what it is used for; Pregnyl belongs to a group of medicines called gonadotrophins (sex hormones). It controls the release of eggs from the ovary in women, and controls production of the male hormone, testosterone in men. In men, it is used to help treat delayed puberty, undescended testes or oligospermia (low sperm count).

When used in conjunction with steroids HCG acts like luteinizing hormone (LH). LH stimulates Leydig cells in the testicles, which results in the production of testosterone. LH also stimulates the production of sperm within structures in the testicles called seminiferous tubules.

As HCG stimulates the testicles to produce testosterone and sperm, the testicles grow in size over time even whilst you are injecting exogenous Testosterone into the body. In a situation without HCG; the body’s natural production of Testosterone would shut down soon after injecting Testosterone.

Does it work?

In one study, men taking testosterone along with hCG were able to maintain adequate sperm production. In another study, men taking testosterone along with hCG were able to maintain testosterone production in the testicles.

When HCG is used during the cycle then it shouldn’t be used during PCT. It is also not recommended to use too much HCG as it can also desensitize your testicles the same way if you are not using HCG at all. It is very important to use just the right amount to cause the testicles to produce an identical amount of Testosterone as they normally would. If you use too little then you won’t get any effect and if you use too much then desensitization and other side effects like gyno can occur.

Recommended HCG Dosage 

  • Under 8 Week Cycle – No HCG
  • 8 Week Cycle – Weeks 3 to 8: 250iu twice a week
  • 12 Week Cycle – Weeks 3 to 12: 250iu twice a week
  • 16 Week Cycle – Weeks 3 to 8: 250iu twice a week | Weeks 11 to 16: 250iu twice a week

These dosages are the recommended amount and are on the safe side of the spectrum. Some advanced users are able to bump up the dosage to 1000iu per week but this should only be attempted after you have familiarised yourself and your body with the effects of HCG. 

It is highly recommended to use an Aromatase Inhibitor while doing 500-1000iu injections to keep estrogen in control because the HCG causes much more Testosterone to be produced and it allows more Testosterone to aromatize into estrogen. HCG at this dose also causes a small amount of estrogen to be produced. As a result, taking half a tablet of Aromasin or Arimidex every 2-3 days is recommended.

How To Administer HCG

Pregnyl HCG from The Anabolic Store will arrive in two ampoules. One contains water and one contains the HCG powder.

The first step is to snap open both ampoules, then use a syringe to draw the water from one ampoule and slowly inject the water into the ampoule containing powder. Gently mix the solution by swirling the liquid until the powder has completely dissolved.

Once your solution is mixed you should draw up the liquid into your syringe again and take out your HCG syringe. These 1ml syringes are used to inject HGH, Insulin and HCG because they have a short and sharp needle which is perfect for subcutaneous injections.

Remove the plunger from your syringe by pulling it back until it snaps out of the syringe, keep it in a clean surface or hold it from the end to avoid it from being contaminated when you perform the next step.

Take your previous syringe containing the HCG solution and make sure there are no air bubbles inside. Then inject the solution into your 1ml insulin syringe from the opening at the top. Once the solution is stored inside the insulin syringe you can discard the previous syringe and reinsert the plunger to your HCG syringe. Be careful as you reinsert the plunger you don’t want to squirt out any of your HCG.

Once you have your HCG stored in the syringe you can administer your dosage. 1ml of solution contains 5000iu, so 0.1ml will contain 500iu, 0.05ml contains 250iu and so forth.

You will only have to inject a very small amount of actual solution to receive your dosage, whilst you may be used to injecting much more when using other steroids it is important to stick to the recommended dosage with HCG.

To inject the solution you should follow the instructions in this video below;

After your injection, the remaining medication can be used within 30 days if refrigerated. Simply restore the needle cap and store in a safe place within your fridge.

Using HCG for PCT

The least effective way to use HCG is after the cycle. Because, when using steroids your testicles will stop producing testosterone due to the brain not releasing any LH. When this happens, your testicles decrease in size and become desensitized to the LH when your brain finally start releasing it. That’s why some people never recover after a long AAS cycle even though they use HCG, HMG, SERMS and other drugs. Because if your testicles have been shut down for too long, they become permanently desensitised.

If you are using HCG as part of a PCT protocol then you should follow the dosages below;

  • Less than 8 week cycle – No HCG
  • 8 week cycle – 1000iu’s once a week for 2 weeks
  • 12 week cycle – 1000iu’s once a week for 3 weeks
  • 16 week cycle – 1000iu’s once a week for 3 weeks


HCG is an FDA-approved medication for treating specific conditions in both women and men. In men, it seems to have an important role as an alternative to testosterone for boosting testosterone levels and maintaining fertility. 

Some doctors are prescribing it in conjunction with testosterone products for testosterone deficiency to help maintain fertility and sexual function. For steroid users it is beneficial for the purpose of keeping your testes functioning whilst on a cycle.



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