from $ 420
2x OPUS Sustanon [Testosteron]
2x OPUS Anavar 50mg
2x Proviron
Viagra Included
2x OPUS Sustanon
2x OPUS Anavar 50mg
1x OPUS Clenbuterol
+ Fat Burning Patches
3x OPUS Sustanon
2x OPUS RIP Blend
2x OPUS Masteron Enanthate
2x OPUS Clenbuterol
2x T3
+ Viagra Included
2x OPUS Deca
1x OPUS Dianabol
+ Viagra Included
BLAST & CRUISE (3 Month Stack)
from $ 575
3x OPUS Test Cypionate
3x Proviron
1x Anastrozole
4x Cialis
3x HCG


Contact us if you'd like to change some of the items in your stack.
In some cases we can send you expired gear for a reduced price.

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