Anadrol: The King of Orals

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Anadrol, also known in bodybuilding and weightlifting circles of bodybuilders and weightlifters by the name

of Oxymetholone, represents an anabolic steroid that is synthetically produced by manipulating the base testosterone steroid. But compared to testosterone, its anabolic strength is 3 times higher while its androgenic value is half.

These ratios mean that Anadrol creates a superior environment for muscle growth while diminishing its androgenic effects. Effects such as hair loss, acne and gyno all have a lesser chance of occurring with Anadrol, than the administration of testosterone.

We will, however, see that with Anadrol  some quite serious negative side effects could occur. Therefore, this anabolic steroid will have to be implemented with the  appropriate protection.  For example an AI is strongly recommended. 

This anabolic steroid exerts a significant role in all the three major purposes of a cycle; The bulking cycle, the cutting cycle and the performance-enhancing cycle. 

However the prominent one would definitely be its usefulness for bulking purposes.

When Anadrol enters your bloodstream, it is already active and its effects start taking effect quickly. On the other hand, Anadrol’s half-life is quite short, say about 8 hours, so it does act fast but has a short burst duration. It is quite common for users to split the daily dosage in halves to keep the steroid’s effects at a peak level as long as possible.

Benefits of Anadrol

As outlined before, there are 3 main areas where Anadrols benefits display their phenomenal effects on the user. In bulking, cutting and in enhancing physical and athletic performance.

This compound’s effects are hugely increased if you decide to stack it with any other injectable anabolic steroids. Among the favorite ones, we have to necessarily mention the base anabolic steroid testosterone, Deca Durabolin and Trenbolone.

For bulking purposes Anadrol is special in its particular ability to escalate protein synthesis, making it a real great patrimony of its users. Athletes and bodybuilders often talk about having performed only one single cycle yet having put on some 25-30 pounds during their time with this extraordinary anabolic mass-gaining steroid.

This is possible because of Anadrol’s ability to improve the production of red blood cells, which greatly improves the bulking phase thanks to the additional oxygen volumes being transported by the extra red blood cells, and also thanks to the improved uptake of all food’s nutrients. These latter two elements are literally taken to the tissues of your muscles and this process ultimately improves the above stated protein synthesis for enhancing your muscle mass.

Anadrol does also benefit a cutting cycle, working with similar actions that occur during a bulking cycles. It stacks very well with those specific anabolic steroids which are primarily used for cutting, especially Anavar.

Anadrol, even when supplemented at rather quite low doses and without being stacked with any other anabolic steroid available on the market, has the unique ability also to significantly boost your endurance, your physical power output levels and your overall strength. Power lifters especially will enjoy the explosive strength they will achieve by implementing this anabolic steroid, which is notably useful in bench presses, deadlifts and squats.

Females and Anadrol

Regarding Anadrol and its use by females: female users are in fact not advised at all to use this anabolic steroid given that, as said, Anadrols anabolic rating is very high (320) and such a rating has been demonstrated to play a hugely significant role in women’s masculinization (that is, in the onset of male features in females, such as the deepening of the voice, the appearance of body hair, and other characteristics typical of men).

This masculinization process has sometimes occurred even if female users implement short cycles and low dosages of Anadrol. They will be much better off by using other anabolic steroids, which entail less of the masculinization features typical of Anadrol by supplementing instead such steroids like Anavar, Winstrol.

Side Effects of Anadrol

Possible side effects from Anadrol include:

  • Severe edema (water retention under the skin)
  • Gynecomastia
  • Hypertension (high blood pressure)
  • Elevated negative cholesterol levels
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Dizziness
  • Sudden changes in mood
  • Liver Toxicity

All of these possible side effects can be neutralised by an AI such as Arimidex, as said before) read our The Best Way To Do PCT blog for full details on dosage and combinations.

The Best Anadrol Dosage

Our Anadrol is supplied in tablets of 50 mg each, and in fact this is the common recommended daily dose for this anabolic steroid. Although it is quite normal to find that the usual and most effective daily dosage is 100 mg per day.

  • General Cycle: 50-100 mg per day over the course of between 4 and 6 weeks.
  • Beginners dosage: 50 mg per day This is a very important and definitely the top limit for a beginner.
  • Intermediate users dosage: 100 mg per day.
  • Advanced users dosage: 100-150 mg per day.

In general, a period of 6 weeks is what’s considered the ideal cycle duration when implementing Anadrol. This duration will most likely not stress your liver. However the benefits of Anadrol would start to decrease incrementally after a period of 6 weeks of implementation.



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