
Test400 is a very strong testosterone blend. It is most commonly used in bulking cycles, providing exceptional gains in strength and muscle mass. By packing a large amount of Testosterone into 1ml, this blend can be used by advanced bodybuilders to reach their intended dosage with as few injections as possible.

Each 1ml contains:

  • Testosterone Enanthate USP 150mg
  • Testosterone Cypionate USP 150mg
  • Testosterone Propionate USP 100mg

This product is perfect for advanced users looking to add more test to their cycle.

Kicks in within a 1-2 weeks


Buy Testosterone 400 blend UK USA 

This blend of testosterone is ideal for those looking for a wider variety of test without having to purchase a mass of different steroids.

Using Test 400 will provide you with a large increase in muscle mass as well as an increase in strength and we can assure anybody looking at this product it works great as a Test Base.


High dosed testosterone blend suitable for bulking and cutting.

Active Time

15/16 days.

Detection Time

After a period of 3 months, all traces of Test 400 will be out of your system for purposes of drug testing urine/blood samples.

Average Dose

400-1200mg per week.

Goes Well With

Anavar, Anadrol, Dianabol, Proviron, Winstrol etc .. plenty of punch in the Test 400 so an oral addition would be ideal and also for a kick start.

Expected Weight/Muscle Gain

10-12kg after 12-16 weeks.

How Fast To Notice Changes

From week 2/4 as all long esters will kick in after 10/14 days.

Side Effects

Possible increased hair growth, acne, deepening of voice, classical testosterone symptoms.


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