About Anastrozole
Anastrozole is an extremely powerful anti-estrogen officially belonging to the Aromatase Inhibitor (AI) family. It is perhaps the most commonly used AI and one of the most common anti-estrogens on the market. Countless anabolic steroid users rely on Anastrozole for on cycle estrogenic protection. Many anabolic steroids have the ability to aromatase and lead to excess estrogen, which in turn can lead to some of the most commonly associated side effects of anabolic steroid use.
The functions of Anastrozole are very simple. As an Aromatase Inhibitor (AI), Anastrozole functions by blocking the aromatase enzyme, which is in turn responsible for the production of estrogen. By inhibiting the aromatase process, Anastrozole will lower the body’s serum estrogen levels.
Anastrozole effects
For the anabolic steroid user, the effects of Anastrozole are greatly appreciated in its ability to protect against estrogenic related side effects. Many anabolic steroids have the ability to promote estrogenic side effects. As aromatization occurs, estrogen levels rise and this can lead to gynecomastia and excess water retention. When excess water retention becomes severe, this can also promote high blood pressure. Not all anabolic steroids aromatize, and as such, not all can lead to estrogenic related effects. However, many common steroids do carry the ability to promote estrogenic activity including Methandrostenolone, Nandrolone and Boldenone.
By including Anastrozole in an anabolic steroid cycle that contains aromatizing steroids, the individual can protect against gynecomastia and water retention. This will also protect against high blood pressure. Some steroids can still cause high blood pressure without water retention, but heavy excess water retention is the number one culprit of high blood pressure among anabolic steroid users.
As a testosterone stimulating compound, Anastrozole can be appealing for low testosterone treatment plans and for Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) for anabolic steroid users. In the case of low testosterone treatment, it’s often not enough. However, it can still be beneficial in conjunction with exogenous testosterone therapy in protecting against estrogenic side effects.
Anastrozole administration
For the anabolic steroid user, Anastrozole doses can vary with 0.5-1mg every other day being the most common. Very few should ever need more than 1mg every other day and many will be more than fine with half that amount. In therapeutic plans such as low testosterone treatment even less may be needed.
Competitive bodybuilders may find a full 1mg every day the last 10-14 days leading up to competition to be useful.
Anastrozole side effects
Users who are using Anastrozole without anabolic steroids often report weakness and fatigue. Most anabolic steroid users will not have this issue with low dose Anastrozole use.
Other possible side effects of Anastrozole use include headache, hot flashes, high blood pressure, joint pain, depression (rare) and nausea or vomiting (rare).
The final issue revolving around the side effects of Anastrozole surrounds cholesterol. Anastrozole does have the ability to negatively effect cholesterol levels, but alone it doesn’t appear to be significant in most cases. However, when conjoined with anabolic steroid use, specifically an aromatizing steroid like Testosterone, it appears to be significant.
Due to the potential cholesterol issues brought on by Anastrozole use by the anabolic steroid user, a healthy and cholesterol friendly lifestyle is extremely important. A healthy lifestyle should first and foremost surround your diet. Diets should be low and very limited in saturated fats and simple sugars. They should also be rich in omega fatty acids. Daily fish oil supplementation is advised. It’s also worthwhile to consider the use of a cholesterol antioxidant supplement. Daily cardiovascular activity is recommended.
Why buy Anastrozole
Buy Anastrozole from The Anabolic Store if you need a highly efficient Aromatase Inhibitor (AI). For the anabolic steroid user, the effects of Anastrozole are greatly appreciated in its ability to protect against estrogenic related side effects and against high blood pressure.